A New Focus on… Employers

We can help you to be a great employer! Protect your people, your business reputation and your future.

Running a business is a daily challenge with increased staff movement, restructuring and disputes adding to the pressures of keeping up to date with the added dimension of Covid-19 implications.

Wellbeing for Employers

It’s widely acknowledged that the demand for access to services to address personal wellbeing issues across our community has surged in recent times. An important supportive factor in regard to increased wellbeing comes from connectivity, routine, belonging and purpose – all of which can be found within employment.

However, the importance of the role that employers themselves play in this may be overlooked at times as they manage not only their own personal circumstances but those of their business, employees and clients.

From your feedback as employers, it is clear that the many ongoing uncertainties impacting you professionally are also contributing to your increased personal fatigue, anxiety and worsening mental health concerns.

Book a discovery call to discuss how our Individualised Wellbeing for Employers package can help you and your business.

Employment Support

Our specialists will support and guide you and your staff through all aspects of employment relations, including outplacement and restructuring, 90-day trials, exit packages and many other changes so that you can stay focused on your business and build confidence among your staff by ensuring they are well looked after.

We support employers at those critical moments often when emotions are running high and the pressure is on, to partner with your business and walk alongside any transitioning employees, providing empathetic and professional support to ensure a positive outcome for both parties.

How we can help:

  • understanding your team – strengths and skills within your team
  • recruiting the right people – identifying the best fit employees
  • supporting staff through change – outgoing staff placement
  • navigating 90-day trials and exit packages – mutually positive outcomes
  • succession planning – future leaders
  • developing the culture of a high performing team
  • business reputation – doing the right thing for your business and for your staff
  • support for migrants within the workplace

What to expect

We will co-design an Employer’s Support Plan that identifies your business’s current and future staffing capability, potential and priorities.

Our experienced and specialist staff will provide service delivery that meets the needs of your business. We deliver.

We understand our clients’ need for absolute discretion and the highest level of service within restricted timeframes.

For more information, contact Muriel Willem, Director of New Focus NZ.

Start Today

We are here to help. Book an appointment or a free discovery call now.

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