Alternative study pathways for youth
This is a conversation I have with so many of the young people who come to see me to gain more clarity about their pathway options. Often, young people and parents believe that the most challenging question is which career path to choose. In actual fact, the ultimate key question is who are you? The answer to that question will help you create a study pathway that best suits you.

There is a study pathway for everyone. Which one is right for your school leaver?
Covid-19 has students uncertain about their next step. There are alternative routes for young people to find their perfect study pathways.

Support for Businesses Affected By Covid-19
In July the New Zealand Government announced it would extend its Covid 19 business funded support through the Regional Business Partner Network to support small and medium sized businesses (SMEs).

Facing downsizing or restructuring to survive Covid-19?
Facing downsizing or restructuring to survive Covid-19? Having to let staff go in order to keep your doors open? Need to assess the skills required in your business post Covid-19?

Adapt, Innovate, and Care, beyond Covid-19
As we breathe a sigh of relief with the hope that Level 2 is just around the corner, our attention has turned to the experts’ views on the ability of our economy to absorb the stresses and losses of the past four months. For many business owners and their staff, it is only just the beginning of what has been described by economists as a long road to recovery.

Supporting your teenagers to get through – and plan beyond – Covid-19
As adults, we have all experienced tough times in our lives that have helped us grow as human beings. In those times, connecting with others, sharing our experiences, and getting professional support have guided our actions and helped us reach the ‘other side', stronger and more resilient.

Protecting your people, today and in the future
In most previous financial crises, businesses have looked to their Chief Financial Officers to take the lead; but now, as we face the many challenges impacting across all areas of society as the result of Covid-19, it is our HR managers who are driving necessary change to keep both people and businesses safe.

Supporting your staff through Covid-19
As each day brings more news of the snowballing impact of Covid-19, New Zealand businesses are faced with immediate, and long term, uncertainty.